For what it's worth, posts are missing in InstantPress through GAE
when running web2py from trunk. The URL
works if I'm running web2py directly, but not using web2py on GAE
dev_appserver. InstantPress does function, but gives the message "That
article doesnt exist". Yet the posts exist in the datastore, according
to http://localhost:8000/_ah/admin/datastore?kind=posts

On Sep 11, 9:21 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> fixed in trunk.
> On Sep 11, 3:58 am, ron_m <> wrote:
> > Put this patch into and it now works with the base 
> > URLhttp://
> > $ diff ~/tools/web2py/web2py_hg/gluon/
> > 805c805,808
> > <         instances = thread.instances
> > ---
> > >         try:
> > >             instances = thread.instances
> > >         except AttributeError, e:
> > >             return
> > Just adds protection from the case where the thread has never had any
> > database instances open.
> > The remaining question is why did function wsgibase() fall
> > into exception handling right away unless this is normal for the first
> > URL opened. I get no exceptions in the running terminal at this point
> > and no tickets under applications/admin/errors like before.
> > Ron

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