On 09/28/2010 02:16 PM, Jason Brower wrote:
We had thought it at one point to be issues with the corruption of the file I used between the machine_server and the web2py_server, but sadly the issues still occurs... I have been able to implement my machine server in twisted with AMP protocol builder. I have web2py picking up that data. This is a totally awsome setup and works very well. I can see the data at any time by simple requesting it.
I have 2 controller files running here...
One is running a page that refreshes a smaller one that runs a request to the twisted server, it instantly gets the data back and parses it out to the session keys you see in the attatched files. On the second controller I have a more details information of that session data. It simply reads from the session keys and prints them nicely for the view. There is little code except when getting a particular item in the session dictionaries. And a small custom form. I personally feel these are not related at all. In that controller's index I also have it print the time.time() and sorted(session.keys()) to print this debug information for you. I was manually refression the page to show you what happens. It's not every other anymore, it's rather random to me...
I can't imagine where else in my code I could be making a mistake here.
Best Regards,
Jason Brower
I have no idea if it is related at this point. But I do have an interesting error that shows up over time... It tells me something to the effect of: "Too many files open." And I can't use the server anymore.
Best Regards,
Jason Brower

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