I will look if I am picling anything, but if I remember, I am only pickling things AFTER I started seeing this bug. Though I think you pickling in the application if I am not mistaken.
What would you like next?
Best Regards,
Jason Brower

On 10/04/2010 04:44 PM, mdipierro wrote:
Not sure but here

request.session_id: None
response.session_id: 127-0-0-1-3bf56311-2bf8-454d-9772-5825e8533348
insecure string pickle
insecure string pickle
insecure string pickle
insecure string pickle
insecure string pickle
insecure string pickle
insecure string pickle
insecure string pickle
time in controller: 1286173614.93
session keys: ['_formkey[default]', 'auth']
request.session_id: None
response.session_id: 127-0-0-1-8ae576c9-83d3-49c9-9b31-0dcf7fb5b573

something bad happens. From that moment on web2py seems to issue a new
session at every request. You either do a os.chdir (not allowed) or
you store in the session an object can Python cannot unpickle back.

On Oct 4, 1:33 am, Jason Brower<encomp...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Attached is the print out.  I still have my old debug information there
showing when I press each key.
Jason Brower

On 09/29/2010 04:34 PM, mdipierro wrote:

I am going to need your help debugging this. In gluon/globals.py
              if response.session_id:
                      response.session_file = \
                    open(response.session_filename, 'rb+')
                      response.session_id = None
change it to
              if response.session_id:
                      response.session_file = \
                    open(response.session_filename, 'rb+')
                  except Exception, e:
                      print e
                      response.session_id = None
what does it print?
On Sep 29, 12:14 am, Jason Brower<encomp...@gmail.com>    wrote:
request.session_id is always none, how ever.
On 09/28/2010 06:30 PM, mdipierro wrote:
add {{=request.session_id}} and {{=response.session_id}} my guess is
that for some reason the browser requests a session, web2py cannot
open it, so it issues a new one.
check if the session_in in request/response and across requests is
always the same.
On Sep 28, 10:05 am, Jason Brower<encomp...@gmail.com>      wrote:
There are two pages in two different controller files running.
One is automated... it executes all the session updating for the
interface.  For example it tells what motor is in motion or what sensor
was triggered. I don't have this controller function print anything at
all. (I did have it print the data it just pulled at one point but the
error never happened.) It simply updates a bunch of session variables. The second function in another controller file views that session data. I can refresh the page and it will read the session data and display it
to the screen.  This function prints data to the terminal when ever it
is called. It prints the sorted(session.keys()) and the epoch time. This is where the error shows. When I refresh some times it shows the
session data other times it does not.  The parts of my page in the view
that need the session data will not work. (They are NoneType objects.) I
use the epoch time to show when they events happened to you.  I don't
have a session.forget in my entire coded no anything that would reset
these varialbes except for the first function I mentioned here.
Best Regards,
Jason Brower
On 09/28/2010 04:37 PM, mdipierro wrote:
I am sorry but I do not have enough information. What do you see in
the output that is wrong? What code produces the output?
On Sep 28, 6:16 am, Jason Brower<encomp...@gmail.com>        wrote:
We had thought it at one point to be issues with the corruption of the
file I used between the machine_server and the web2py_server, but sadly
the issues still occurs...
I have been able to implement my machine server in twisted with AMP
protocol builder.  I have web2py picking up that data.  This is a
totally awsome setup and works very well.  I can see the data at any
time by simple requesting it.
I have 2 controller files running here...
One is running a page that refreshes a smaller one that runs a request
to the twisted server, it instantly gets the data back and parses it out
to the session keys you see in the attatched files.
On the second controller I have a more details information of that
session data.  It simply reads from the session keys and prints them
nicely for the view.  There is little code except when getting a
particular item in the session dictionaries. And a small custom form.  I
personally feel these are not related at all.
In that controller's index I also have it print the time.time() and
sorted(session.keys()) to print this debug information for you.  I was
manually refression the page to show you what happens.  It's not every
other anymore, it's rather random to me...
I can't imagine where else in my code I could be making a mistake here.
Best Regards,
Jason Brower


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