Hi, as it seems that time goes by, and no available packages for Debian are ready, I'm going to begin to work on it seriously to upload web2py to Debian. I know ( http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/45ea4327d713bdd8/252d25418aeb42fd ) Mark told he was going to work on it, but I think that I have been patient enough waiting since April. It's not only Debian is one of the most important Linux distribution, also many other distributions as Ubuntu are derivatives from Debian, so uploading web2py to Debian will bring it to many users in the Linux world.
I'd like to have a package similar to the django one. There is a python-django package, and I'd like to make a python-web2py package to work in a similar way, so people don't need to relearn a new method of work. I'd like it to work as similar as possible to http://codeghar.wordpress.com/2007/12/01/django-in-ubuntu/ . So, the main question for me is: once gluon is installed in the PYTHONPATH and web2py.py installed in / usr/bin, I would like to be able to tell the user: execute python web2py.py in any directory and point your browser to http://localhost:8000 to begin to work. But, as web2py structure is today, I don't know if such thing is possible (after adding every needed file to every needed path). If not, what other approaches might be used to make any user in the system able to use a system with a installed web2py structure? On the other hand, if more people want to collaborate in the packaging I'll be glad to open a project in alioth.debian.org, so we can work together. Regards. José L.