On Oct 14, 2010, at 7:14 PM, weheh wrote:
> Good ideas, Anthony. I would add that there should probably be 2
> phases of voting. In both phases, everyone gets 1 vote.
> In phase 1, votes for logos that are of the same/cloned base layout
> are aggregated. So, for example, say there's a text logo that says
> "web2py" and is represented in 3 clones: one in red, one green, and
> one blue. Each of these clones gets 1 vote. Then, we can normalize by
> giving the cloned set 3 votes.
> The top 5 cloned sets that get the most votes in aggregate then move
> to the finals. Comments during the phase 1 vote can be used by
> designers to tweak their logo. In finals, there should be no clones.
> In the finals, each designer gets to present 1 logo. The logo that
> then gets the most votes, wins.
> This seems a little complicated (maybe too complicated), but also
> seems fair. Not that fair necessarily applies. Massimo should have
> final say, IMHO. Also, if there are any requirements from Massimo or
> other powers that be regarding the logo, let them be stated clearly on
> the voting page.

There are voting methods that accomplish this automatically, with voters 
defining "clones" themselves.

Still, I agree with Richard that the voting here should be regarded as input to 
Massimo, not a final decision.

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