Hi Chris,

In April we worked out the following procedure to upload and install
packed web2py applications at webfaction:

1) Log on to webfaction via terminal/ssh
2) Go to your remote web2py/applications/ directory
3) As the user who is the owner of the Welcome application, manually
create a directory
4) Upload your web2py application via the web interface and rename it
to match the name of the directory you created manually

This procedure worked at webfaction until I upgraded to web2py version

I also installed web2py 1.87.3 running webfaction's custom install
script for web2py, but that doesn't make any difference to unzipping
version 1.87.3 over the older version, I get the same error.

I tried ls -al, I am signed on as fitwise and the owner of the Welcome
application is fitwise as well, nothing has changed in this case.

Kind regards,


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