After rereading the posts I realize you might be running the db calls
in the view so the controller comment would be incorrect. Bottom line,
there is no data to display from what you are telling me about the
result of the last test. Is it possible to check the database and look
at the data in the tables for a particular product id you are using
for testing to be sure all the foreign keys are in place in the
related tables. What environment are you running on? OS, Python
version, database used? It is difficult to figure out the problem
without seeing more of the application.


On Oct 16, 11:02 am, Andrew Evans <> wrote:
> Hello ty for the continued help. I did as you suggested and I saw the table
> headers but none of the Data. I tried the function you suggested also.
> Does that mean its a controller problem
> Any ideas
> *cheers
> On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 12:14 AM, ron_m <> wrote:
> > A couple of things
> > Put this in for the view html file temporarily
> > {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> > <hr />
> > {{=H2('Results')}}
> > {{=SQLTABLE(user_products,
> >   headers='fieldname:capitalize',
> >   truncate=100)
> > }}
> > and you should see a nicely formatted table of the results of the
> > query with the column names in the table header.
> > This will prove whether or not you are getting data in user_products.
> > If you see the expected results in the table then it is a view
> > problem. If the table is blank it is a controller problem.
> > Did you put a {{pass}} line at the point where the {{for row in
> > user_products:}} iteration loop should end? Indentation follows HTML
> > not Python rules in the {{}} code segments so pass is used to signal
> > the end of a block in this case "for".
> >
> > Ron
> > On Oct 15, 11:29 pm, Andrew Evans <> wrote:
> > > Hi ty for replying to my problem but I am a bit confused. I tried doing
> > the
> > > query you suggested and tried doing it another way
> > > it seems my loop is never executed cause what appears there is a blank
> > page.
> > > Not sure what I am doing wrong
> > > Those are the two I tried
> > > def indv_product():
> > >     this_page = request.args(0)
> > >     user_products = db(( == this_page) &
> > > (db.product_extended.product == this_page) & (db.user_extended.userinfo
> > ==
> > > db.product.userinfo)).select()
> > >     return dict(user_products=user_products)
> > > def indv_product():
> > >     this_page = request.args(0)
> > >     user_products = db(( == this_page) & ( ==
> > > db.product_extended.product) & (db.product.userinfo ==
> > > db.user_extended.userinfo)).select()
> > >     return dict(user_products=user_products)
> > > But it seems the loop doesn't work any idea
> > > this is what I am using
> > > {{for row in user_products:}}
> > > and an example of how I am using row
> > > <p><img src="{{= URL('default','download', args=row.image)}}"
> > > alt="{{=row.product_name}}" width="400" height="425"
> > > />{{=row.description}}</p>
> > > The html doesn't even appear in the view source of my browser so I am
> > doing
> > > something wrong
> > > *cheers

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