Hi ty for all your help ron and sorry I couldn't explain myself better

Ron if you could attach that file that would be great just so I can see what
your getting at.. maybe I am to tired to understand it right now haha anyway

if you get a chance attach the file


and ty for your continued help


On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 1:25 PM, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
> it is difficult to help you without an explanation in english of what
> you want. Cannot figure out from your code:
>  def indv_product():
>      this_page = request.args(0)
>      user_products = db((db.product.id == this_page) & \
>         (db.product.id == db.product_extended.product) & \
>         (db.product.userinfo == db.user_extended.userinfo)).select()
>      product_e=db(db.product_extended.product ==
> this_page).select(db.product_extended.ALL)
>      return dict(user_products=user_products)
> Here is why:
> From
>   this_page = request.args(0)
> and
>   (db.product.id == this_page)
> I assume you want to display something about one specific product.
> Yet the query seems to indicate that you want to display more than one
> product (user_products)
> What is product.userinfo? Is this the buyer or the seller of the
> product?
> Are you trying to display all products bought by one user, along with
> detailed information about both the buyer and the product? Are you
> trying to display detailed information about one single product?

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