He is brazilian, Lucas. I know him from web and brazilian group.

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Em 17/10/2010, às 19:14, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> escreveu:

> http://vimeo.com/15886413
> I can see lots of uses for it.
> I have some questions: does it store meta-info in the db? Or does it
> uses something like YAML? Where can we get it?
> Some suggestions for improvement:
> - a checkbox for [use auth]
> - allow adding fields for auth_user
> - have a checkbox [use janrain] and seup janrain key/domain
> - use the same interface that you use to create tables to create
> controller actions (even if initially empty) (perhaps allows adding
> widgets from plugin_wiki)
> - It would be nice to have a way to display graphically the structure
> of an app as a tree. Two main branches: tables, pages
> - merge with http://web2py.com/layouts/plugin_layouts/index (perhaps
> just pick best layouts)

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