The idea write a meta-app is really great. And web2py could be great
tool for it.

However, I think, generate individual code for "dogs", "cats",.. is
not good way.
Much better direction is create common classes or common code, where
will be one controller, one/two views with meta-names of tables,
fields,..; something like db().select(db.eval(tablename).ALL)....

Because in first case we have lot of kB of generated code, which we
cannot touch and edit, but in the second case we can inherit the
classes and make something special, where we need it.

On 18 říj, 04:55, Bruno Rocha <> wrote:
> That could be a good start to a Killer CMS built with WEB2PY.
> I think he uses YAML to generate the models, but I am going to check with
> him, and try to get the source.
> 2010/10/17 mdipierro <>
> >
> > I can see lots of uses for it.
> > I have some questions: does it store meta-info in the db? Or does it
> > uses something like YAML? Where can we get it?
> > Some suggestions for improvement:
> > - a checkbox for [use auth]
> > - allow adding fields for auth_user
> > - have a checkbox [use janrain] and seup janrain key/domain
> > - use the same interface that you use to create tables to create
> > controller actions (even if initially empty) (perhaps allows adding
> > widgets from plugin_wiki)
> > - It would be nice to have a way to display graphically the structure
> > of an app as a tree. Two main branches: tables, pages
> > - merge with
> > just pick best layouts)
> --

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