Great tip!. This is very usefull! and you make it in trunk :D

On 17 oct, 23:03, mdipierro <> wrote:
> Replace your web2py/ with this:
> ------------- begin
> try: config=open('routes.conf','r').read()
> except: config=''
> def auto_in(apps):
>     routes=[
>         ('/robots.txt','/welcome/static/robots.txt'),
>         ('/favicon.ico','/welcome/static/favicon.ico'),
>         ('/admin$a','/admin$a'),
>         ]
>     for a,b in [x.strip().split() for x in apps.split('\n') \
>         if x.strip() and not x.strip().startswith('#')]:
>         if not b.startswith('/'): b='/'+b
>         if b.endswith('/'): b=b[:-1]
>         app = b.split('/')[1]
>         routes+=[
>             ('.*:https?://(.*\.)?%s:$method /' % a,'%s' % b),
>             ('.*:https?://(.*\.)?%s:$method /static/$a' % a,'%s/static/
> $a' % app),
>             ('.*:https?://(.*\.)?%s:$method /appadmin/$a' % a,'%s/
> appadmin/$a' % app),
>             ('.*:https?://(.*\.)?%s:$method /$a' % a,'%s/$a' % b),
>             ]
>     return routes
> def auto_out(apps):
>     routes=[]
>     for a,b in [x.strip().split() for x in apps.split('\n') \
>         if x.strip() and not x.strip().startswith('#')]:
>         if not b.startswith('/'): b='/'+b
>         if b.endswith('/'): b=b[:-1]
>         app = b.split('/')[1]
>         routes+=[
>             ('%s/static/$a' % app,'static/$a'),
>             ('%s/appadmin/$a' % app, '/appadmin/$a'),
>             ('%s/$a' % b, '/$a'),
>             ]
>     return routes
> routes_in=auto_in(config)
> routes_out=auto_out(config)
> ------------------- END ---------------
> what does it do? It writes routes for you based on a simpler routing
> configuration file called routes.conf. here is an example:
> ----- BEGIN routes.conf-------
>       /examples/default
> /app1/default
> /app2/default
> /app3/default
> ----- END ----------
> It maps a domain (the left had side) into an app and it shortens the
> URLs for the app, by removing the listed path prefix. That means
> be mapped into  
> /app1/default/index be mapped into  
> /app2/default/index
> It is safe in that it preserves admin, appadmin, static files,
> favicon.ico and robots.txt.
>    /admin/...  
> /app1/appadmin/...  /app1/static/...
> and vice-versa.
> It does assume one app per domain.
> I think something like this should be default since lots of people
> find hard to work with.
> Comments? Suggestions?
> Massimo

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