No, I do not have a server that can run web2py currently. (due to a conflict
with simplejson. I require the version from pypi, which coincidentally is
incompatible with web2py (and I do not feel like reconfiguring my server to
use virtualenv)).

The code is at You are welcome to
make a checkout and run it locally.

Most of it is working actually... There are a few tweaks to be made security
wise for the demo, but I think its almost done.

Register account.
Upload a plugin, provide name, descriptions, categories, license, the packed
plugin file, a version, a screenshot, a packed demo application to showcase
the plugin.

There will also be featured plugins that the site admin can choose to
display at the top of the index page.

The admin can also download all demo applications and review them. If
approved, it uses app_install to install the application into web2py and
generates a link to it. So if you have a plugin named "Comments" it will
make an app named "plugin_central_Comments" and for the demo you just get
redirected there.

I do need to go over the rules of a demo app

1) Must use sqlite
2) Cannot contain appadmin
3) Cannot be harmful to the filesystem
4) Cannot have functions that require minutes to complete.
5) Cannot have tons of data in the database.
6) Cannot contain external links
7) Must work.


On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 8:14 PM, mdipierro <> wrote:

> Do you have a site up and running?
> On Oct 24, 6:09 pm, Thadeus Burgess <> wrote:
> > I am working on plugin central, finally have some free time to devote to
> the
> > project. However I am a horrible artist, and wonder if anyone would like
> to
> > help me with designing a logo?
> >
> > This is my color scheme
> >
> > White - body content
> > #5E99E7 - Links & main color (a light blue)
> > #F5F4EF - Grey, page background
> >
> > I would like to use the new Ubuntu font since it is open source.
> >
> > --
> > Thadeus

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