Yes. In the view, instead of




On Nov 2, 5:43 am, demetrio <> wrote:
> Hi, first of all sorry if I made any mistake in english :)
> When i try to make a, i can customize the names of the
> search form, but i cant do the same with the results' headers.
> def search():
> = lambda id: \
>         DIV(A('edit',_href=URL(r=request, f='update', args=(id)))," ",
> A('read',_href=URL(r=request, f='read', args=(id))),"
> ",A('delete',_onclick="return confirm('" + T("Are you sure to delete?")
> +"')",_href=URL(r=request, f='delete', args=(id))))
>     form, rows =, field_labels =
> {'id':'ID','name':'Name'})
>     return dict(form=form, rows=rows)
> With this, code my form is something like:
> <checkbox> ID <select> <input>
> <checkbox> Name <select> <input>
> but my results table is:
> --------------------------------------------------
> edit read delete         resultname1
> edit read delete         resultname2
> edit read delete         resultname3
> Do you know if there is any posibility to customize that header
> names?,
> it will be nice if I could use the "headers" parameter like in the
> method because you can do something like this modifying
> the represent of the id
> Search Form:
> <checkbox> **ID** <select> <input>
> <checkbox> Name <select> <input>
> Results:
> **Actions**                    Name
> --------------------------------------------------
> edit read delete         resultname1
> edit read delete         resultname2
> edit read delete         resultname3
> notice that the field in the form is named **ID**, and in
> the results is named **Actions**
> Thats all, thanks in advance :)

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