I think I got excited too soon. I tried these method and it seems that
it not works.

This is the traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/demetrio/devel/web2py_devel/trunk/devel/web2py/gluon/
restricted.py", line 188, in restricted
    exec ccode in environment
  File "/home/demetrio/devel/web2py_devel/trunk/devel/web2py/
applications/calendar/views/calendars/search.html", line 97, in
  File "/home/demetrio/devel/web2py_devel/trunk/devel/web2py/gluon/
sqlhtml.py", line 1192, in __init__
    columns = sqlrows.colnames
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'colnames'

One question, i'm using web2py Version 1.87.3. Can it be that this
funcionality is applied on trunk or newer versions?

Thx again for your time.

On 2 nov, 16:04, demetrio <dgzabal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks a lot Massimo!
> On 2 nov, 14:58, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > Yes. In the view, instead of
> > {{=rows}}
> > do
> > {{=SQLTABLE(rows,headers=....)}}
> > On Nov 2, 5:43 am, demetrio <dgzabal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi, first of all sorry if I made any mistake in english :)
> > > When i try to make acrud.search(), i can customize the names of the
> > > search form, but i cant do the same with the results' headers.
> > > def search():
> > >     db.licenses.id.represent = lambda id: \
> > >         DIV(A('edit',_href=URL(r=request, f='update', args=(id)))," ",
> > > A('read',_href=URL(r=request, f='read', args=(id))),"
> > > ",A('delete',_onclick="return confirm('" + T("Are you sure to delete?")
> > > +"')",_href=URL(r=request, f='delete', args=(id))))
> > >     form, rows =crud.search(db.licenses, field_labels =
> > > {'id':'ID','name':'Name'})
> > >     return dict(form=form, rows=rows)
> > > With this, code my form is something like:
> > > <checkbox> ID <select> <input>
> > > <checkbox> Name <select> <input>
> > > but my results table is:
> > > licenses.id                licenses.name
> > > --------------------------------------------------
> > > edit read delete         resultname1
> > > edit read delete         resultname2
> > > edit read delete         resultname3
> > > Do you know if there is any posibility to customize that header
> > > names?,
> > > it will be nice if I could use the "headers" parameter like in the
> > >crud.search() method because you can do something like this modifying
> > > the represent of the id
> > > Search Form:
> > > <checkbox> **ID** <select> <input>
> > > <checkbox> Name <select> <input>
> > > Results:
> > > **Actions**                    Name
> > > --------------------------------------------------
> > > edit read delete         resultname1
> > > edit read delete         resultname2
> > > edit read delete         resultname3
> > > notice that the field licenses.id in the form is named **ID**, and in
> > > the results is named **Actions**
> > > Thats all, thanks in advance :)

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