Note, if you use the web2py binary, it includes Python (2.5, I think),
so you don't need to install Python separately. If you want to install
your own Python, then you can run web2py from source on Windows (make
sure your Python installation directory is in your Windows PATH
variable). If installing your own Python, you'll also want this:

Also, you should be able to run Python 2.6 or 2.7 with web2py, so you
don't have to stick with 2.5.


On Nov 10, 10:05 am, Syed <> wrote:
> I'll make sure that all variables are removed from the equation.--I'll
> uninstall everything and that start from scratch with 2.5.5 from
> And then I'll be sure to try the binary distribution. I'll
> report back with the results. Thanks.

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