Massimo, you need to make another service offering proof-reading.
These guys are really good. :D

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 8:35 PM, Stefaan Himpe <> wrote:
> Some more typos in the guidelines page...
> faled prototypes can be minimized by
> => failed prototypes can be minimized [also remove the word "by"]
> it is not as an alternative to executing the full project project. =>
> [it mentions project twice at the end of the sentence]
> mjor contributor => major contributor
> Use Open Standards and Interoprability => Interoperability
> Europen Union => European Union
> Use Industry Standard Tehcnologies => Technologies
> singificantrole => significant role
> wise-spread => wide-spread
> an hedge vs our competitors => an edge vs our competitors
> crytical => critical
> The framework we use was reviewed by the checked against the top 10 ... =>
> [remove the "reviewed by"]
> written by client =>
> written by the client
> We build software is portable and can un efficienly =>
> We build software that is portable and can run efficiently
> Best regards,
> Stefaan.

Branko Vukelić

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