unfortunately, that didn't work either. both your version and mine
show the proper thing online:

o Yes
o No

but neither version will allow me to click on No and have it register
as False in the database. i even made it simpler:

Field('isComplete', 'boolean', widget=SQLFORM.widgets.radio.widget,
requires=IS_IN_SET((True, False))),

it shows up as:

o True
o False

i click on False in appadamin, hit submit, and it shows up as True. i
can't choose False. if i switch the order:

o False
o True

it still only selects True. it's like there's a statement that won't
let radio buttons return False. i'll look into the code and see what i


On Nov 10, 11:00 pm, annet <annet.verm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> The IS_IN_SET() should read:
> IS_IN_SET([(True,'Yes'),(False,'No')])
> Kind regards,
> Annet.

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