In the application I am writing there are IP video cameras displayed
in a grid for one part of the application. In non-IE browsers this is
realized as an IMG tag connected to the MJPEG video stream of the
camera using the src= attribute.

In the 1.88.2 version I used a padding: 1px; style to put a fine line
between images letting the background show through which was perfect
to get some separation.

In 1.89.1 there is a 4 to 6 pixel vertical separation between rows of
images. If I adjust the padding or the margin the spacing grows by
that amount. The same 1px padding still works fine for the space
between horizontally adjacent images. To try to identify the source of
the change I renamed all the style sheets in the application including
the web2py ones and then cleared the browser cache and I still get the
spacing between rows. If I load in the 1.88.2 version I don't get the

Maybe it is something in layout.html? If anyone has a quick, I know
what that is, please let me know, I have looked at this for quite a
while and can't find it but will push onwards. I hope my slowness in
discovery is not an indication of my ability with CSS. :-)

I could stay with the old layout but since it is still under
development I would rather keep moving with the new version and all
the good things that come with them.



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