the problem with mail.send is it creates a brand new connection to the SMTP
server *every* single time you call it.

If you are sending more than 10 emails at a time this will not be efficient
and will take an unnecessary amount of time to complete.

I would suggest dropping down to using base smtplib so you can send
everything through a single connection. Keep in mind when doing this certain
SMTP servers have limits on how many emails can be sent (500 by default) so
you would need to re-establish your connection after this cutoff point.


On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 1:09 AM, annet <> wrote:

> Hi David,
> I have a crm app from which I send html mails using the following
> function:
> def mail():
>    m_list=db(...).select(...)
>    for item in m_list:
>        context=dict(item=item)
>        message=response.render('mail/mail.html',context)
> boolean=mail.send(to=[recipient],subject='...',message=[None,message])
>        if boolean:
>            db.mailingstats.insert(...)
>        else:
>            db.adminstats.insert(...)
>    return True
> The boolean stuff isn't a necessity but it gives me feedback on the
> process, and I use the mailingstats table for statistical purposes.
> If you're sending html mails make sure the layout is all tables, and
> put the css in the body not in the head. If you need an example I'll
> post a view.
> Kind regards,
> Annet.

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