Hello list,

need some help finding out why my server is so slow.

The server is with a Intel Celeron 2.66 GHz CPU, 4 GB of memory
CentOS 5.5 64-bit, Apache 2.2.3, MySQL 5.0.77, mod_wsgi, Web2py 1.89.5
The server is dedicated to web2py, there is three instances of web2py running.

I have migrate=False, sessions on disc.

If I try the following code

def testing():
    customers = db(db.customer.id > 0).select()
    return customers

takes 39 seconds, 5 times in a row, to return 979 rows.

If I put db.customer < 100 it takes 4,5 seconds to return 87 rows.

Is it just me or are this a bit long times?


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