So I tried Nathan's suggested test case above and the return value of
request.vars.junk is always None, regardless of whether the checkbox
is checked or not. I'm not seeing the case where request.vars is empty
when the checkbox is unchecked. In a nutshell, unless I'm doing
something wrong, it's not working. I'm using web2py version 1.89.5.

On Dec 4, 2:22 pm, weheh <> wrote:
> Hi Nathan, thanks for the response. I checked the old threads (like
> this 
> one
> and see this is an old issue. In fact, I complained of this a long
> time ago in a separate post. I'll try your fix and report back.
> On Dec 4, 2:14 pm, "mr.freeze" <> wrote:
> > The var name should just be 'junk' since that is the name of the
> > checkbox. Also, I don't think you should have a closing parenthesis
> > after _id='no_table_junk'. Just a typo? Also, accessing it like
> > request.vars['no_table_junk'] will throw an error. Why not just use
> > and check for None? Also, it will not have a value of
> > 'off' when unchecked, request.vars will just be empty. This works for
> > me:
> > def checktest():
> >     div=DIV(_id='test')
> >     inp = INPUT(_type='checkbox',
> >                 _name='junk',
> >                 _id='no_table_junk',
> >                 _onclick="ajax('process_checkbox',
> > ['no_table_junk'],':eval');")
> >     return dict(div=div,inp=inp)
> > def process_checkbox():
> >   checkbox_results=request.vars.junk
> >   return """jQuery("#test").html("%s");""" % checkbox_results
> > On Dec 4, 12:57 pm, weheh <> wrote:
> > > I have a form with a dummy checkbox:
> > > #view
> > > INPUT(_type='checkbox',_name='junk',_id='no_table_junk'),
> > >         _onclick="ajax('process_checkbox',
> > > ['no_table_junk'],':eval');")
> > > #controller
> > > def process_checkbox():
> > >   checkbox_results=request.vars['no_table_junk']
> > >   return """jQuery("#test").html("%s");""" % checkbox_results
> > > Regardless of whether the checkbox is checked or not, the onclick
> > > event passes to the "process_checkbox" routine a
> > > request.vars['no_table_junk'] equal to 'on'. I would have expected it
> > > to toggle from "on" to "off" to "on" again as I keep toggling the
> > > checkbox from checked to unchecked.
> > > Anybody know what's wrong?

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