Yes, we ought to standardize on www or non-www, but as GoldenTiger
implied earlier, the Google Page Rank displayed in toolbars and tools
has little relationship to the numbers that Google actually uses to
rank pages. Seomoz is a great resource.

On Dec 11, 8:41 am, GoldenTiger <> wrote:
> Yes, there are a few links like that. In fact, the links with higher
> PR.
> Check all internal pagerank on
>  is PR= 
> 5    is PR= 5
> Two links above should be one, so PR could be higher
> On 11 dic, 12:42, "Martin.Mulone" <> wrote:
> > There are some links in menu, that point to ex:, in
> > web2py mainsite. Perhaps we need to change

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