On 13 dic, 05:08, Branko Vukelic <bg.bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 4:29 AM, Michael McGinnis
> Google is capable of figuring out what the page is about most of the
> time. It's just a bitch about compliance to their guidelines. They
> seem to have God complex or something. At any rate, it's a good idea
> to make web2py as automated as possible in this sense. "page title |
> title" is the form I use on all my stuff (check 
> outhttp://www.experts4solutions.com/) and proven to work well, and should
> be the default in templates. I don't remember how description and
> keywords are assigned, but it's in some global, iirc.
> Check out my blog:http://www.brankovukelic.com/

Please, can you share the code to put a different title for each page?
I'm starting a project and, with this code in the view:


{{extend 'layout.html'}}

I get this error:

SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

Kind regards,

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