On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 2:01 AM, mdipierro <> wrote:
> Yes. The GPL prevents users from make a CLOSED SOURCE better
> derivative of the framework. That is exactly what this community wants
> to protect against. That is something that can kill an open source
> project and the reason GPL was invented.
> This discussion has nothing to do with users who are not affected.
> Please contact me privately about what you want to do. Perhaps you
> need a special license. Depending on what you need to do I may provide
> such license to you.
> Massimo
> On Dec 12, 6:53 pm, pbreit <> wrote:
>> >> But as you say, BSD/MIT are better for users.
>> > He didn't say that.
>> He said it prevents users from making a better derivative.
>> My apologies to the community and Massimo for be-laboring the point but
>> I think it's unfortunate that the license alone is discouraging use of
>> the framework. I'm very close to selecting Web2py for a large, public
>> project but am having my doubts.

Branko Vukelić

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