I assume you've got something like:

db.define_table('story',Field('text'), ...)
(text)s'), ...)

Then you can query the db:


You can return dict(rows=rows) or return dict(rows=SQLTABLE(rows)),
the latter providing more formatting and functionality.

On Dec 12, 8:49 pm, Shel <joralemonshe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to create a form that displays all the rows in a table
> where, for example, db.storyline.story_id = session.story_id, and I
> cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this.  It seems like
> this should be very simple, but nothing I have tried works.  I am not
> sure how to use a query as the data source for a form, or how to
> create a form that shows all the rows returned by the query.  Any help
> would be appreciated.    Especially if anyone could point me to some
> sample code that does something similar, that would be great.
> Thank you,
> Shel

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