To understand the basic behaviour of web2py, you can try following:

In the default controller make a function, f.e.

def allstorylines():
    rsStorylines = db().select(db.storyline.ALL)
    return dict(rsStorylines=rsStorylines)

In addition you need a view default/allstorylines.html:

{{extend 'layout.html'}}

Now, write into your browser the address:

and you should see <table> of storyline records.

If this works, you can improve it in 2 ways:

-- change the db().select() in the controller to receive just records
you want to see,

-- change the view, f.e. instead of {{}} you can try list records in
    {{for recStoryline in rsStorylines:}}
        <td>{{=recStoryline.fieldname or ''}}</td>

 or use some compoment to display records, f.e. see:

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