On Dec 15, 2010, at 1:11 PM, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> I solved the problem.
> I dont know why, but web2py in webfaction does not creates the 'deposit' 
> folder.
> I just create myself.
> on ssh:  
> cd webapps/app/web2py
> mkdir deposit
> Problem solved!

web2py will create deposit/ for you, but only when it's started from the 
command line. 

Likewise creating site-packages *and* adding it to sys.path. Indeed, grep the 
source for site-packages; the logic definitely needs work.

Perhaps this and some of the other startup logic ought to be factored out and 
then also called by wsgihandler and the other handlers. I don't see why one 
wouldn't want the same sequence everywhere (though the cgi and gae handlers 
probably want to have a more efficient test for whether the standard folders 
have been created, rather than testing each one) (since they run on every 

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