
Trying the new DAL with latest trunk again.  Only one issue left which
is pointing to the DB folder. This used to work, now, no matter what I
have tried, it generates everything relative to the script  making the
connection. This is what I do using pre 1.9x :

tail,head = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])
db = DAL("sqlite://storage.sqlite",

I tried different variations, but all yield the same results.

This is for my build&release system. I use both w2p, the full
framework, and  DAL (outside of the web context - so scripted only). I
need to wipe clean the entire contents of the top level folder, which
includes all scripts as well as the DB every time builds are kicked
off (which is many times a day, many different servers and OS

I would prefer not having 2 versions of w2p on each box (time needed
in bootstrapping servers is important).

Anyone with insight convincing DAL  to make use of the 'folder' param
in the connection string?

Mart :)

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