THANK YOU! :) working even better than before :)

BTW - the new DAL caught a couple of my mistakes. Made the change to
my script and ran it through the diff tool. Here's a snippet. You can
dump the following to a browser to see. pretty nifty!

Thanks again for quick turn around, much appreciated!

Mart :)

                <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
                <title>Untitled Document</title>
                <BR>        build_of_day = </SPAN><DEL 
TITLE="i=49098">None</DEL><INS STYLE="background:#E6FFE6;"
TITLE="i=49098">0</INS><SPAN TITLE="i=49099">    &para;<BR>
buildOfDay =
</SPAN><DEL STYLE="background:#FFE6E6;" TITLE="i=49189">i</DEL><SPAN
TITLE="i=49189">f</SPAN><INS STYLE="background:#E6FFE6;"
TITLE="i=49190">or row in</INS><SPAN TITLE="i=49199"> buildOfDay:</
SPAN><INS STYLE="background:#E6FFE6;" TITLE="i=49211">&para;<BR></
INS><SPAN TITLE="i=49212">    </SPAN><INS STYLE="background:#E6FFE6;"
TITLE="i=49216">        if == 'buildOfDay':</INS><SPAN
TITLE="i=49252">&para;<BR></SPAN><INS STYLE="background:#E6FFE6;"
TITLE="i=49253">    </INS><SPAN TITLE="i=49257">
build_of_day = int(</SPAN><DEL STYLE="background:#FFE6E6;"
TITLE="i=49288">buildOfD</DEL><INS STYLE="background:#E6FFE6;"
TITLE="i=49288">row.v</INS><SPAN TITLE="i=49293">a</SPAN><DEL
STYLE="background:#FFE6E6;" TITLE="i=49294">y</DEL><INS
STYLE="background:#E6FFE6;" TITLE="i=49294">lue</INS><SPAN
TITLE="i=49297">) + 1&para;<BR></SPAN><INS STYLE="background:#E6FFE6;"
TITLE="i=49303">    </INS><SPAN TITLE="i=49307">
else:&para;<BR></SPAN><INS STYLE="background:#E6FFE6;"
TITLE="i=49321">    </INS><SPAN TITLE="i=49325">
build_of_day = 0</SPAN><INS STYLE="background:#E6FFE6;"
TITLE="i=49353">            </INS><SPAN TITLE="i=49365">

On Dec 24, 1:47 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> Please check trunk. I think it is now fixed.
> On Dec 24, 12:04 pm, mart <> wrote:
> > Hey,
> > Trying the new DAL with latest trunk again.  Only one issue left which
> > is pointing to the DB folder. This used to work, now, no matter what I
> > have tried, it generates everything relative to the script  making the
> > connection. This is what I do using pre 1.9x :
> > tail,head = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])
> > db = DAL("sqlite://storage.sqlite",
> >                  folder="{0}/blueLite/db_storage".format(tail))
> > I tried different variations, but all yield the same results.
> > This is for my build&release system. I use both w2p, the full
> > framework, and  DAL (outside of the web context - so scripted only). I
> > need to wipe clean the entire contents of the top level folder, which
> > includes all scripts as well as the DB every time builds are kicked
> > off (which is many times a day, many different servers and OS
> > platforms).
> > I would prefer not having 2 versions of w2p on each box (time needed
> > in bootstrapping servers is important).
> > Anyone with insight convincing DAL  to make use of the 'folder' param
> > in the connection string?
> > Thanks,
> > Mart :)

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