I was talking serverside code.

Client-side my app only works with Chrome but I am looking into these:

The second looks really nice.

On Dec 28, 12:13 pm, Albert Abril <albert.ab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think Orbited has the feature of emulate 
> websocket.http://orbited.org/wiki/WebSocket
> On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 7:04 PM, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > I needed something that could do http get, http post and comet via
> > html5 websockets.
> > I looked at the other options gevent, twisted, etc, I either had
> > installation problems, or performance issues, or it was hard to figure
> > it out how to it.
> > With tornado this was trivial:
> > ----- begin ------
> > LISTENERS = []
> > class NewMsgHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
> >    def get(self):
> >        self.write('<html><body>Hello</body></html>')
> >    def post(self):
> >        data = self.request.arguments['data'][0]
> >        [element.write_message(data) for element in LISTENERS]
> > class RealtimeHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
> >    def open(self):
> >        LISTENERS.append(self)
> >    def on_message(self, message):
> >        pass
> >    def on_close(self):
> >        LISTENERS.remove(self)
> > application = tornado.web.Application([
> >    (r'/', NewMsgHandler), # for get and post
> >    (r'/websocket/', RealtimeHandler), # for websockets
> >    ], auto_reload=True)
> > http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application)
> > http_server.listen(8888)
> > tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
> > ---- end ----
> > On post it streams data to all clients connected with websockets. It
> > runs as fast as bare metal. It cannot possibly be faster. I tried with
> > up with 100 posts/seconds with 10 connected clients) and 1 post/second
> > with 500 connected clients (my my laptop which does not even support
> > epoll).
> > Web2py acts like a proxy for the post (does the form generation,
> > validation, database IO, etc.) but stays out of the way as far as
> > websockets are concerned. Web2py serves all the pages that need db
> > access.
> > The clients receive data from tornado and store (do not process it
> > else slows down the server, it queues it). The processing.js thread
> > processes the data 5times/second for a smooth interface.
> > Massimo
> > On Dec 28, 11:27 am, David Marko <dma...@tiscali.cz> wrote:
> > > Why tornado as webserver? Any observations you can share?
> > > David
> --
> Albert Abril,
> @desmondohttp://bressol.org

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