Give it a try:

Mind that this is running on a 400MHz VPS that also runs
(high traffic) and another 20 web sites of mine. Sorry, still not
ready to release the code because I am ashamed, but I will.


On Dec 30, 5:04 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> From my previous post:
> ----- begin ------
> class NewMsgHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
>     def get(self):
>         self.write('<html><body>Hello</body></html>')
>     def post(self):
>         data = self.request.arguments['data'][0]
>         [element.write_message(data) for element in LISTENERS]
> class RealtimeHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
>     def open(self):
>         LISTENERS.append(self)
>     def on_message(self, message):
>         pass
>     def on_close(self):
>         LISTENERS.remove(self)
> application = tornado.web.Application([
>     (r'/', NewMsgHandler), # for get and post
>     (r'/websocket/', RealtimeHandler), # for websockets
>     ], auto_reload=True)
> http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application)
> http_server.listen(8888)
> tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
> ---- end ----
> this is tornado code for websocket.
> On Dec 30, 4:46 pm, Manu <> wrote:
> > It is awesome, like it .
> > Just  looking at the video i have learn a lot of new tools( websocket,
> > processing.js, html5 canvas ) . Even if i understood that web2py was
> > the main tool here , would it be possible to have the websocket part
> > of rocket so that we can play with this kind of tool too ( i am
> > working on windows ! )
> > You do great Massimo !!
> > On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 11:38 PM, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > version 0.2:
> > >
> > > On Dec 28, 12:55 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > >>

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