glad to be helpful and give my 2 cents to this community.
your helptext is definetely acceptable, in the long run maybe a
comment in the code will be more helpful than the "explicit"
helpstring of optparse


On Dec 30, 11:06 pm, Jonathan Lundell <> wrote:
> On Dec 30, 2010, at 12:51 PM, Niphlod wrote:
> > uhm....
> > virtually very very very draft of Jonathan's concept.....
> That looks about right, perhaps with some minor wording changes:
>         help='exit after saving password' (no sense in confusing the user 
> about file names, and there's really no other initialization involved)
>         print 'no password to save; exiting'
>         (remove the "Creating..." print)
>         print 'password saved; exiting'
> > in gluon/ , after "if '-A' in sys.argv: k = sys.argv.index('-
> > A')" (line 695, in trunk), add:
> > parser.add_option('',
> >                     '--exit',
> >                     action='store_true',
> >                     dest='force_exit',
> >                     default=False,
> >                     help='allows to save file in order
> > to initialize the environment'
> >                     )
> > then, before " if options.quiet:" (line 704, in trunk):
> >   if options.force_exit and options.password == '<ask>':
> >       options.password = raw_input('choose a password:')
> >       if not options.password:
> >           print 'no password, --exit specified, clean shutdown'
> >           sys.exit(0)
> >   if options.force_exit and options.password:
> >       print 'Creating file'
> >       main.save_password(options.password, options.port)
> >       print ' created, now exiting'
> >       sys.exit(0)
> > tested and working....
> > eg: you can call
> >> -a yourpass --exit
> >> -a '<recycle>'
> > and everything works.
> > Make sure you start the webserver with the same port (default 8000,
> > can be overridden with -p)
> > Humbly helping ^_^
> > Happy new year, if we'll not see within the next days....

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