I've gotten feedback from one person, but could use some more. If
anyone has a chance, please check out the ISO (preferably) or virtual
appliances derived from the TKLpatch; they're available at http://9while9.com.
I appreciate the time you may commit to testing this.

Much appreciated,
Rik Goldman

On Jan 7, 1:57 am, ghoulmann <rikgold...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I completed and submitted the patch to create a web2py/postgres/apache
> appliance fromTurnKeyLinux'sLAPP 11.0 (Lucid). The post the the
> general forum at TKL, with the patch attached, is 
> athttp://www.turnkeylinux.org/forum/general/20110107/tklpatch-web2py-fr....
> Athttp://9while9.com, I've posted the patch, virtual machines, and an
> ISO derived from the patch. I used the last two or three lines of the
> script for configuring ubuntu for an inithook to run at first boot so
> the user can set the web2py admin password. I also used the "default"
> apache configuration file for the patch.
> Feedback, suggestions, concerns, are all encouraged. I'm eager for
> feedback so I know whether to revise the patch. I posted it to TKL
> before Massimo could offer feedback because I'm eager for it to be
> released with the second part of TKL's 11.0 library. I was eager to
> make sure web2py was given due consideration. Nevertheless, the patch
> can still be revised.
> On Dec 31 2010, 8:57 am, ghoulmann <rikgold...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks Chris,
> > I've got the patch worked out for the most part. (incidentally to
> > patching eden). Just incorporating Massimo's suggestions and
> > blueprint, then getting together the first run script to set the
> > password are my remaining concerns.
> > On Dec 31, 1:47 am, Christopher Steel <chris.st...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Rik,
> > >Turnkeylooks interesting...
> > > You can get a working Web2py /Turnkeysystem up and running fairly
> > > quickly using the "vanilla"Turnkeyinstallation and then running a
> > > slightly modified version of the "setup-we2py-ubuntu.sh script on the
> > > same system. This will allow you to break down the task into pieces
> > > and you can slowly "convert" the bash script to Python rather than
> > > taking on the entire task in one fell swoop in addition to getting a
> > > "working system" along the way.
> > > setup-we2py-ubuntu.sh could be modified or run manually in some places
> > > where sudo is used.
> > > So for example near the end of the script instead of:
> > > sudo -u www-data python -c "from gluon.widget import console;
> > > console();"
> > > and
> > > sudo -u www-data python -c "from gluon.main import save_password;
> > > save_password(raw_input('admin password: '),443)"u
> > > you could "become" the www-data user with
> > > su www-data
> > > change to /home/www-data/web2py
> > > and then run the commands:
> > > python -c "from gluon.widget import console; console();"
> > > and
> > > python -c "from gluon.main import save_password;
> > > save_password(raw_input('admin password: '),443)"
> > > echo "done!"
> > > In the mean time I am going to try it myself... looks like fun.
> > > Cheers,
> > > Chris
> > > On Dec 30, 10:36 am,ghoulmann<rikgold...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > However, I don't know Python well enough produce the script. I also
> > > > don't know where web2py wants passwords kept or whether there's
> > > > hashing involved. So given example scripts for other appliances, is
> > > > there anyone willing to collaborate - either write the script for
> > > > incorporation, or if it has to be the case, mentor me so I can produce
> > > > the script with my students?
> > > > This blog post and the subsequent thread explains and provides
> > > > examples:http://www.turnkeylinux.org/blog/end-to-default-passwords
> > > > I look forward to working together on this contribution to web2py and
> > > >TurnKeyLinux.
> > > > Rik Goldman

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