On Jan 6, 2011, at 4:12 PM, Mariano Reingart wrote:
> With this I only want to help to demystify this negative appreciation
> about web2py, surely there are many more examples like this as Python
> is a dynamic language specially designed to execute and evaluate code
> (i.e., OpenOffice/GIMP/etc. uses similar approach)
> Anyone have more examples?
> What do you think?
> BTW, about the Python Zen rule "Explicit is better than implicit",
> there is also "Although practicality beats purity.", and Python is a
> practical language, or do we import len, list, dict...
>>>> len(dir(__builtins__))
> 135


Moreover, while it's not best practice, it's certainly common enough to see

        from somewhere import *

which "magically" injects a bunch of names into the namespace.

Your suggestion that web2py simply has a small set of built-ins strikes me as 
right on.

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