Gosh I am glad I can share about web2py in with my country's php,
django and rails programmers without all this nonsense.

On Jan 7, 11:40 pm, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> After being offended by web2py being in Pycon, they made a major
> attack on reddit, raised a bunch of lies. Alarmed against web2py on
> twitter (they managed to enter to the top tweets) and
> this created a certain discomfort.
> Some of my clients (two of them) called me asking for explanations about it.
> (Interestingly, after my explanation they seem much more confident)
> Moreover two new possible new clients came to me today (one by
> experts4solutions), one of them commented about the topic and the tweets, so
> it awakened interest to evaluate web2py to a new small project.
> A company that offers online training came to me asking me to submit a
> web2py training to their program,  they think web2py is trendy and many
> people are talking about it on the web, then it is a good
> time to offer training.
> thanks to @jacob, @armin, @GrahamDumpleton and @benbangert and others. They
> promote web2py!
> After that:
> @jacob decide to escape from threads (leaving unanswered 
> questions)http://twitter.com/#!/jacobian/status/23138026796355584
> @Mike slept upsethttp://twitter.com/#!/zzzeek/status/23160805851668480
> http://twitter.com/#!/zzzeek/status/22788155665031168
> and @armin still wants to propose a PEP which tends to remove the execfile()
> statement from Python2.x language. 
> LOLhttp://twitter.com/#!/mitsuhiko/status/23082854590185472
> http://twitter.com/#!/mitsuhiko/status/23089568890753025
> I love this community... :)
> Please: "Don't call me Pythonic" I never wrote a PEP.. LOL
> <http://twitter.com/#!/jacobian/status/23138026796355584>--
> Bruno Rochahttp://about.me/rochacbruno/bio

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