On Jan 16, 2011, at 4:39 PM, Kenneth Lundström wrote:
> > I'm not sure what's in the nightly build. The abc= line should tell us 
> > something, and I can give you a little more debugging depending on what it 
> > says.
> abc gave nothing, it loaded welcome without any errors, or were should I see 
> any complaints about an unknown key?
> I´m running on linux, CentOS, MySQL, mod_wsgi, Apache.
> I guess I have to give trunk a go, never used Mercurial so it´ll be an 
> experiment.

Yes, you should get a syntax error:

                raise SyntaxError, "unknown key '%s' in router '%s'" % (key, 

In this case: "unknown key 'abc' in router 'BASE'"

I'll download the currently nightly and take a look.

> Kenneth
>> What's your environment? Host system, server configuration, etc? There are 
>> some configurations (like mod_proxy) where you have to do domain-based 
>> routing at the server rather than web2py, I think.
>>> Kenneth
>>>> routers = dict(
>>>>    BASE = dict(
>>>>        abc = None,
>>>>        domains = {
>>>>            'economy.nudata.fi' : 'economy',
>>>>            'testing.nudata.fi' : 'testapplication',
>>>>        }
>>>>    ),
>>>> )

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