Here is some code from the controller file:
variable = 0

def index()
        some operations with the variable...

def minorvar():
I also tried with this code, but the variable isn't changed after
redirecting it to the index-function:
variable = 0
session. variable = variable

def index()
       variable=session. variable
        some operations with the variable...

def minorvar():

On Jan 23, 3:13 am, Jason Brower <> wrote:
> I would recommend that you use session.variable if that's what you want
> to do.
> Could we see the controller for the page before?  I wonder if there is a
> way we could put the action in there to make your code a bit cleaner.
> BR,
> JB
> On 01/23/2011 01:04 AM, Rick wrote:
> > Thanks for the replies. I wrote a special def for the operation:
> > def minorvar():
> >    variable-=1
> >    redirect(URL('index'))
> > ...but I get an error that says that:
> > local variable 'variable' referenced before assignment
> > ...even though I've defined the variable as global at the beginning of
> > the controller file.
> > On Jan 22, 9:19 pm, Jason Brower<>  wrote:
> >> Yup... I think you should do that in the controller before you pass it.
> >> It's a two second job so not hard to do.
> >> That and session.variable=-1 is well... -1 it should be variable-=1.
> >> On the other had, you may be going for -1 :P and you may be using a
> >> special loop or something that needs to change as the page is formated.  
> >> Always exceptions when you have to print from the top down and build the
> >> page before sending it to the client. :D
> >> BR,
> >> Jason
> >> On 01/22/2011 02:53 PM, b0j3 wrote:
> >>> On 22 jan., 11:47, Rick<>    wrote:
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>> My problem is that I want to make a {{=A...}} tag that also changes
> >>>> the value of the variable session.variable, and I don't know how to do
> >>>> this. I tried with:
> >>>> {{=A(("[<    ]"), session.variable=-1,  _href=URL('function'))}}
> >>>> ...but it didn't work.
> >>> Hi.
> >>> I'm not sure if that is a good way to program. Some would say, that
> >>> you shouldn't change variable in the view so I don't think (I might be
> >>> wrong, though), that it could work like that.
> >>> What would you like to achieve?
> >>> B.

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