To be fair, the most popular option right now is SQLAlchemy, an ORM.
DAL appears to be a minority approach.  So, ORM must be good at
something right?

To get web2py out of the PR's ditch, I think it's best to refrain from
commenting on perceived weaknesses of Django and other technologies.

On Jan 26, 11:08 am, blackthorne <> wrote:
> few people mention this, don't know why but it is huge.
> ORM's are a computational vietnam.
> it troubles my mind, how come so many good programmers don't have this
> notion and ORM's are actually very well seen.
> the relational model has its own way of working, its mindset, its
> optimizations. the object model works in a different way, its
> implementations have an higher sofistication for each data unit that
> knows all about itself and considers less fast searches as you can do
> with relational databases and its simpler way of storing things
> allows.
> the result of using an ORM is having a complex translation process
> from objects to SQL, then you get a second major loss because the
> generated is very bad, very generic, not specific. then, you a third
> major loss when you have to translate the resulset from SQL to objects
> again.
> many times, reality is much worse. if you make things like
> dog.getName() == cat.getName() the ORM will make
> select * from dog
> select * from cat
> put everything in memory and then make the search in memory. having an
> extremely optimizes relational database is probably worst than having
> simple files with pickles, really..
> bottom line, you want to store objects and make queries over them, use
> object oriented databases. they exist, not by chance.. you have db4o
> in Java, ZODB in python.
> else if you want relational databases, use their language SQL or the
> smallest abstraction possible.
> On Jan 26, 3:50 pm, Martín Mulone <> wrote:
> > 2011/1/26 Massimo Di Pierro <>
> > The DAL tries to be as close as possible to SQL. The ORM
> > > tries to stay as close possible to an Object model. To me that is
> > > trying to put a circle into a square. When it fits great, some times
> > > it does not fit.
> > > Massimo
> > Quote of the day!.
> > --
> > Pablo Martín Mulone (
> > Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina (CP 3100).
> > My blog:
> > Expert4Solution 
> > Profile:

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