I disagree! Your playing with things that shouldn't be played with.

Not to mention that now you have just broken some of my apps that perform
case-sensitive queries in postgres.... this is just plain wrong in so many

Add a new identifier to DAL... give me


and then for case insensitive


like would perform the actual operation that would happen from the RDBMS,
and ilike can be a web2py playing god version that makes sure all rdbmses
act the same.

Case sensitive search is one of the benefits of using postgres instead of


On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Massimo Di Pierro <
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I agree the behavior should be uniform. The easiest way is to make the
> LIKE always case insensitive. I am patching trunk to use ILIKE with
> postgresql.
> On Jan 28, 3:01 am, KMax <mkostri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 7 дек 2010, 00:31, Fran <francisb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > - minimally it should be in a FAQ (ideally in the next Book) & ideally
> > > we could have a case_sensitive=True option for the DAL like()
> > > operator...to ensure that both pgsql & mysql/sqlite existing apps
> > > didn't break, it could default differently depending on the db type?
> >
> > +1 vote
> > sqlite has some issue with not ascii chars compare, but work in
> > progress
> > pgsql has ilike which works like mysql like (fix me)
> >
> > I' just patch dal to use ilike in .like() query for postgres, but it
> > more cheat then solution.

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