I just discovered web2py. I'm wondering if web2py is the right choice
for me.

Would greatly appreciate any input :)

A little background is that I'm a PHP user and a 3D artist. So Python
has always been on the top of the to-learn list because it can be used
with MAX and MAYA. I recently was given an assignment to create a
website for internal use across our LAN network. I'm given a HUGE
amount of time so I am using this opportunity to eventually learn

Here are some of the specifications of my current assignment and I
really would really love to know if web2py provides functionality to
make them happen without much fuss.

- username and password will be authenticated against Windows Acrive

- User group also determines by Active Directory groups.

- Everything else will be in MySQL.

- A lot of real time drag-and-drop using javascript on the front end.
The back end will have to be able to respond to a lot of small
requests and update database accordingly.

Everything else are generic web stuff so my main concern is only the 4
specs mentioned above.

Thank you very much!

best regards,


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