Thanks Mikech.
I think we removed "written by ..." from the web site because so many
people have contributed that my job is more that of fixing bugs and
rejecting backward incompatible patches. ;-)


On Feb 1, 6:41 pm, mikech <> wrote:
> This was unexpected!  I was reading thru a blog post on how wonderful
> Seaside - a Smalltalk web framework was, and lo and behold the author says
> about half way down:
> =====
> Now it’s time for a confession: the fastest-to-develop in, most
> prototype-friendly framework that I’ve had the pleasure to work with so far
> is not Seaside, nor is it Ruby on Rails
> (which has other reasons to recommend it). It’s a relatively unknown (dare I
> say underdog?) Python framework called web2py, written by Massimo Di Pierro.
> Enjoy!

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