It is hard to implement following internal behaviour of the control.
But I have used it earlier in other language, and it was nice
behaviour when there were many records in the related table.
Here we need to use JavaScript/Ajax to implement this. And maybe an
index on that field?

Once user pressed a key inside the control, a
SELECT TOP 31 ... WHERE Field startsWith TextBox.Value
command fired.
If it received 31 records, there was no reason to show list.
If it received 1-30, the records show in the list.
The color of the textbox can change for f.e. 0, 1, 2-5, 6-30, 31+

If this is to implement, there is additional problem, that there are
languages with double-chars letters like 'ch', where we can f.e.
receive 0 records for 'Loc', but 1+ records for 'Loch'. :-))

On 31 led, 21:41, Massimo Di Pierro <>
> The rationale is easy. The field is never a problem. The problem is
> the forms. If you need to list all the options, you need to gather all
> the options from database. That is a performance hog. Using
> autocomplete is better. The issue is the same for reference and
> list:reference.

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