Thanks for your reply. Regarding the first answer: does it mean that
every model from my app will be called on every page refresh? Do the
names of the model files have any effect? I.e. if I rename to, or change "" to something else - what will happen behind
the scene?

Regarding my third question: the tree structure is something that I
did understand. The problem is an error which makes me think that I do
something wrong. While trying to perform the described above, I the
following traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\viu\Desktop\web2py\gluon\", line 188, in
    exec ccode in environment
  File "C:\Users\viu\Desktop\web2py\applications\Registrar/views
\default/index.html", line 99, in <module>
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace'.

I have index.html with "include 'default/user.html'". user.html
doesn't have extend.

Regarding my last question, I will try to clarify: I found out that
after uploading the app to GAE, the example records are being added to
my app at GAE. I.e. I have: "Sacemoso Mamaduco Dacotata
papapato@exam...." in my online app. I have already cleared my GAE
datastore once.

Thanks again.

On Feb 4, 6:10 am, Massimo Di Pierro <>
> On Feb 3, 8:27 pm, devGS <> wrote:
> > Hi, I have a few general questions, answers for which I didn't find in
> > the book:
> > 1. How does the model work in web2py's MVC? What is the workflow? When
> > does the code from those files called? The only relevant information I
> > found was the sequence diagram from the book.
> yes this is an important omission.
> at every http request, all models are executed in the same
> environment. Then environment is copied. The requested controller is
> executed and the called function is called. The output dict() is added
> to the copied environment and passed to the view. The output is
> returned to the visitor.
> > 2. How does the following form of passing arguments in Python work:
> > cache.ram.clear(regex='...')? I come from Java, as I understand regex
> > is some kind of an optional value to be passed?
> regex is any regular expression. All keys in the cache matching the
> regular expression are deleted from the cache.
> > 3. How do the layouts work (layout as a pattern that is being used in
> > the views)?  I tried to do the following, which sometimes works and
> > sometimes not, providing errors: remove the {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> > from some view, i.e. "myview.html" and add {{include "myview.html"}}
> > into a second view. Mainly, it works, but when I try to remove
> > {{extend 'layout.html'}} from "default/user.html" and add {{include
> > 'default/user.html'}} into "index.html", it fails. Why, and how to do
> > it properly?
> Think of a tree. Each node is an HTML file. You move up by calling
> extend. You move down by calling include. The parent should have a
> simple {{include}} not {{include "child.html"}} where the extending
> child is to be inserted. This is in the book in some detail.
> > 4. I understood that in order to manipulate my database from GAE, I
> > need to index my tables. Where can I find information about indexing
> > and what is it?
> You only need this for speed. You have to do this in sql
> db.executesql("....")
> > 5. While uploading my app into GAE, I find the example entries inside
> > my online GAE app. Why is that and how to prevent it?
> I am not sure I understand this question.

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