Thank you! The sample table is populated by ""
module. For those who had similar issue: comment all the lines in the
above file on deployment.

Your pointed me to the line that causes the view error: in user.html-
the default one, there is a line with
{{=T(request.args(0).replace('_',' ').capitalize()}} . My question is
what does the line do and why args(0) is None when rendering through

On Feb 7, 7:04 pm, howesc <> wrote:
> about the sample entries:  you must have some code (probably in one of your
> models files) that adds sample entries when an empty database is detected.  
> not sure though without looking at the application.
> your view error is provided in the traceback (though perhaps cryptic).  
> something in index.html or one of the files it includes or extends is trying
> to access the 'replace' attribute of a variable that is None.  you may have
> the proper include/extend syntax but are not setting a required variable in
> the controller.
> cfh

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