Hello Bruno,

 When am using the following code to hide columns the table has been
drawn twic:

 $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#ciId').dataTable( {
                "aoColumns": [
                          { "bVisible":    false },
                ] } );
    } );

<h1>Capital Improvement page</h1>


could you please Advice me?

another issue the columns are displayed as tableName.columnName is
there a way to display them with readable names?

Thanks in Advance

On Feb 8, 9:34 am, Neveen Adel <nevo.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks a lot Bruno , it works fine with me :)
> On Feb 7, 1:59 pm, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It is all about JavasCRIPT.
> > To get selected row and perform an action i.e (javascript
> > window.location('') 
> > )http://datatables.net/examples/api/select_single_row.html
> > <http://datatables.net/examples/api/select_single_row.html>To show/hide
> > columnshttp://datatables.net/examples/api/show_hide.html
> > Mind that you can hide columns on the DAL select query.
> > in powerTable I put a variable 'selected' which triggers the selected row,
> > also in powerTable you can set the columns to display 'table.hiddencolumns =
> > ['column1','column2']
> >https://bitbucket.org/rochacbruno/powertable/overview
> >http://powertable.blouweb.com/products
> > <http://datatables.net/examples/api/show_hide.html>
> > --
> > Bruno Rochahttp://about.me/rochacbruno/bio
> > 2011/2/7 Neveen Adel <nevo.a...@gmail.com>
> > > Hello,
> > >  Am using to plugin_datatable and i want  to go to the update form
> > > from  displayed table.
> > > E.x:
> > > The table display a list of records ,Is there a way on clicking on a
> > > record the update form is displayed?
> > > Is there a way to do that ? if not , is there any idea can lead me to
> > > the target?
> > > Another thing is there a way to display a set of columns not all
> > > columns in the table?
> > > Thanks in Advance

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