replace (...) with [...] in

list=[(name,False,link,[newitem,False,link])] to make the respective

list=[[name,False,link,[newitem,False,link]]] to make the respective

On Feb 11, 11:39 am, w2padawan <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm loosing a lot of time trying to generate a categories menu from
> database, but my lack of experience in python seems to be yet too
> much.
> The respective error ticket says:
>     AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'append'
> How can I list.append((newitem,False,link)) inside a
> list=[(name,False,link,[newitem,False,link])] to make the respective
> submenu from the query, if you know what I mean?
> ==================
> supercategorias =
> db(db.t_categoria.supercategoria==None).select(,db.t_categ 
> oria.nombre)
> for supercat in supercategorias:
>         catree[-1].append((supercat.nombre,False,'link'))
>         cats = 
> db( 
> ,
>         for cat in cats:
>             catree.append([cat.nombre,False,'link'])
> ----------------------------------------
> =====================
> db.define_table("t_categoria",
>     Field('nombre','string'),
>     Field('supercategoria','string')
> )
> db.t_categoria.supercategoria.requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db,'t_categoria 
> .id','%(nombre)s',zero=T('[Seleccione
> sólo si corresponde]')))
> ---------------------------------------------
> ============
> {{=MENU(catree)}}
> ---------------------------
> kind regards, and thank you for your time

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