please post the complete traceback.

On Feb 11, 12:08 pm, w2padawan <> wrote:
> I changed it as you say but now gives me:
>     ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack
> ----------------------------------------
> ==================
> def catree():
>     # query
>     supercategorias =
> db(db.t_categoria.supercategoria==None).select(,db.t_categ 
> oria.nombre)
>     # creating the menu
>     catree = [['testmenu',False,None,['testsubmenu',False,None]]]
>     # identifying and building submenus
>     for supercat in supercategorias:
>         catree.append([supercat.nombre,False,'link'])
>         cats = 
> db( 
> ,
>         for cat in cats:
>             catree.append([cat.nombre,False,'link'])
>     return dict(catree=catree)
> what I'm still missing?

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