During the past months I'm using a lot web2py.
I've been asking a few questions here in this group and I've received
help from people all around the world. Sometimes I really felt like I
should give back something to those kind souls..

So that's why in the past 2 days I've created http://askvalue.com/
(using web2py).
This is alpha version, and I would like your feedback.

AskValue aims to be a social platform of questions and answers where
you can make money by doing a valuable question/comment or by
providing quality answers.

How do you win money? You must have a Flattr.com account (optional)
and create a "thing" with your site profile: http://askvalue.com/user/username

If the user gives you credit I believe that you will be flattred (make
If you register you can follow your friends, and receive their updates
(dashboard under construction).. or you can only follow questions of
your interest.
You can also vote on your favorite answers!

I'm also planning to implement during the next week email-

I think that this kind of service can encourages users to help more!
I also believe that Google Groups is very limited and old-fashionable
for support, and with this you can have a much richer experience.

Please help me by providing me your honest feedback.
and please don't mock on my design skills.. I need more time for it :)

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