You can't give permissions to users,  only to groups.  Therefore the
only way to give permissions to a unique user is through their unique
group. The book gives an example where this is used in the section
Authorization and CRUD.

You don't need to use the inidividual user groups. I have never needed
to use them. Just turn them off and do your own thing:
auth.settings.create_user_groups = False

On Feb 12, 2:56 am, pbreit <> wrote:
> I get the concept of groups which is why I was confused that web2py auth
> creates a auth_group.role for each individual user (user_1, user_2 and so
> on).
> In all of my apps I have just one class of users. Sometimes, only the
> created_by can view an item. And usually, only the create_by can edit an
> item. And on pretty much every page I have personalizations based on the
> logged in user. Almost every web site I can think of works like this.

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