I'm having an issue that is affecting my ability to access admin. If you 
look at the attached, you can see that even though I am accessing an HTTPS 
url, the wsgi.url_scheme value is reporting HTTP. I'm not sure what the 
problem is. I've seen some information about including settings in 
nginx.conf to set certain parameters but have so far been unable to make 
anything work. I edited my appadmin/admin to accept a connection through 
if request.env.http_x_forwarded_for or request.env.wsgi_url_scheme in 
['https', 'HTTPS', 'http']:  #added 'http'

It could be an issue of getting the information to uwsgi and then to web2py. 
Hard to say for this newbie.

<<attachment: Screen shot 2011-03-13 at 3.37.28 PM.png>>

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